Liam Reilly
| 12-09-2024
· Animal Team
Dragonflies are amazing insects that have been around for millions of years. They are not only beautiful but also full of surprising and funny facts. Let’s explore some of the most interesting things about these fascinating creatures!

Breathing in a Unique Way

Did you know that dragonfly nymphs, which are the young ones that live underwater, breathe through their rear ends? Yes, it’s true! They have special gills inside their bottoms that help them take in oxygen from the water. They can even shoot water out of their rear ends to move quickly, making them little underwater rockets!

Incredible Vision

Dragonflies have nearly 360-degree vision because their large eyes cover most of their head. This allows them to see in almost every direction, helping them spot both prey and predators.

Hungry Cannibals

Dragonfly nymphs can be quite fierce. They are known to eat other nymphs, which makes them cannibals! They will munch on anything that fits in their mouths, including their own kind. This behavior helps control the population and ensures only the strongest survive.

Super Hunters

Dragonflies are incredible hunters! They catch their food with an amazing 95% success rate. That’s much better than lions, which catch only about 25% of their prey. Dragonflies use their strong legs to grab insects and have sharp mouthparts to crush them. They are truly skilled predators!

Color-Changing Creatures

Some dragonflies can change their colors to help control their body temperature. This is a cool trick that helps them stay comfortable in different weather conditions.

Migrating in Swarms

Dragonflies are one of the few insects that migrate in large groups. These swarms can be so big that they can even show up on radar! Scientists have tracked these migrations by attaching tiny devices to the dragonflies’ wings.

Ancient Giants

Dragonflies have been around for over 300 million years, making them older than dinosaurs! Fossils show that ancient dragonflies were much larger than today’s versions, with wingspans of up to 2 feet.
In conclusion, dragonflies are not just pretty insects; they are also full of funny and fascinating facts. From their unique breathing to their amazing hunting skills, they are truly remarkable creatures. So, the next time you see a dragonfly, take a moment to appreciate all the interesting things about them!

What Makes Dragonflies So Extraordinary

Video by PBS Terra